New Year New Blog - Heather Rasmussen Photography

Hey everyone!  I want to take a sec and introduce myself and welcome you to my new site.  I am Heather Rasmussen. I am a mother to one very courageous and spunky little girl.  I am wife to an amazing man who makes me laugh all the time and who inspires me to dream. I capture moments in time, snapshots of memories that will last forever.  I am a photographer. 

Happy New Year

It's the first day of the year, do you have your resolutions ready to go?  I have always thought that resolutions were funny.  I mean, do you really need to wait until the beginning of the year to make a change?  It is kinda like starting a diet on a Monday, I don't think it makes it any better.  However, like almost everyone I too lean towards December 31st and somehow get stuck on this New Year, New Me mentality.  Come on, don't lie you do it too!

It's okay. Its good for the soul, a refresh button of sorts, a time to think back on the past year and to look to the future. 

2017 was a great year, I decided to dive into my photography more.  Honestly, it has been something I have wanted to do for years, just ask my husband he has heard me non-stop talk about how I want to get more into it.  He was also the first one to push me to take the step, and finally after friends and family kept telling me to do it, I just did it!  

Now, that the reminising is over with let's look toward the future.  I do have some resolutions or as I like to call them goals for 2018! 

Goals for 2018

  • Start a Blog  - check :) 
    • This blog is going to be used to both document my journey as a new photographer, showcase my work and inspire others to live the life they dream of. 
  • Complete my 100 Stranger Project
    • You will see a specific post on this project soon
  • Create a Post Schedule and stick to it
    • Ideally I would like to post once a week, if not more. 
  • Branding, Branding, Branding 
    • Find a way to show who I am as a photographer, how I stand out among the masses

  • Yoga Every Morning
    • Just do it!  I have to remember this as I roll out of bed, tiptoe past the little ones door trying so hard not to wake her.  I will have to remember this after I turn the coffee pot on and resist the urge of pouring myself a cup pre-yoga.  And I will also have to remind myself of this, as I try and convince myself not to do it as I roll out the mat.   
  • Eat Better 
    • This one is on the list every single year, but maybe this is the year!  I seem to start off great, but by January 2nd I am done.  Just kidding, but seriously, I really need to make better choices when it comes to food. 
  • Step Outside My Box
    • Some may say that I am a very structured person, I do not take chances and do not do things out of the ordinary.  I need to start saying yes to new opportunities, taking chances to see what the world has to offer. 
  • Do Me 
    • In a world where everyone is always comparing themselves to others I just need to be who I am, believe in myself and do not worry about everyone else.  
Share your resolutions in the comments below, I am interested to see what everyone is going to be working on this year. 

As the first day of the new year comes to a close did I do Yoga?  Nope... Did I eat better?  Does having oatmeal instead of a donut for breakfast count?  Than Yes!  

Hey, I started the blog and I am doing me, so that has to count for something, right! 

I hope you had a great start to 2018 and I look forward to sharing more with you. 


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